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Bunch of Bubbles

How to use Big Bubble Powder

Updated: Jun 1, 2019

Big Bubble Powder is a special blend of guar gum, and a polymer called PEG-90m that lets you make HUGE bubbles!  The polymers let bubbles stretch much larger than they would with just detergent, or with regular additives like glycerin, or corn syrup.  This is our tried-and-true recipe that we've tinkered with to get *just right*.

To make a gallon of bubble solution:

Add one gallon of tap water to a bucket, and sprinkle 1/4 tsp of the bubble powder on top.  Whisk it to combine in the water.

Add 2/3 cup of ultra non-antibacterial detergent, and stir gently.  Try not to make a lot of foam- foam is the enemy of big bubbles.

Then you're ready to play!  We highly recommend Dawn 3x detergent- available pretty much anywhere. It makes big, sturdy, really colorful bubbles, and in our opinion is really worth the extra dollar or two.  Seventh Generation works really well too. 

If you're using a non-ultra detergent, or store brand (Great Value is totally fine, but the bubbles aren't as colorful) start with 3/4 cup, and you may have to add a little more. You don't need a ton of soap to get a great bubble, but it does take practice. We've tried a lot of different detergent brands, and haven't needed to use more than a cup of any dish soap to make good bubbles.

Safety: Big Bubble powder is essentially non-toxic.  Guar gum is used in lots of different foods, and the one that we use is organic, and non-gmo.  PEG-90m is generally used in cosmetics- it's what makes the lubricating strips on razors.  It's very slippery, and slimy when mixed with water. 

If you're handling a lot of bubble solution it can be drying to the skin because the pH of the detergent is usually pretty high.  We recommend using a good lotion, or rubber gloves to protect your skin if you're doing a lot of spiffy bubble tricks.

Bubble Solution doesn't stain clothes, but taking a bath, or running through the hose after you're bubbled-out for the day is recommended.

How to make really big bubbles:

Making big, ultra-huge bubbles is easy, but does take a little practice. Bubbles are mostly water, and love humid, overcast weather. Early mornings, or early evenings are a great time for bubbles. You might have a tough time making big bubbles in hot, dry weather.

The biggest bubbles are made with a simple tri-string wand. They're easy to make with basic materials.


2 sticks- chopsticks, sturdy sticks from your yard, dowels, bamboo garden stakes, broom handles- anything works

String- 100% acrylic craft yarn like Red Heart Super Saver, or for bigger bubbles Lion Brand Homespun is great. A lot of people use cotton cooking twine, or even loops cut from a t-shirt

Small ponytail holders (optional)- rubber bands, or zip ties work just fine, but if you're dealing with more than a few wands, and a few kids it's MUCH easier to untangle everything if you use pony tail holders so you can remove the sticks when the inevitable tangles happen.

To assemble the wands:

Cut a length of string, and tie the ends together.

Make a second knot to form a loop about an inch from the first knot.

Make a third knot approximately 1/3 the length of the string from the first knot.

When you're done it should look like this:

Attach the pony tail holders to both loops with a lark's head knot (slip the pony tail holder through the loop, and then feed one end of the pony tail holder through the other, and pull it tight).

Attach the completed loop to the sticks using the pony tail holders. It usually takes a few test dips to break-in a new wand, so don't think you've made a "dud" if the first few bubbles aren't mind-blowing.


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